Manned Guarding - Asset Management
Sometimes, we all need guards we can trust; let us help you protect your assets with our quality guard force. We pride ourselves on the standard, performance and supervision of our guard force and will help you effectively protect your business and assets from harm in a cost effective and sustainable way.
Global Quality, Delivered Locally
Where a quality service is desired Pilgrims will deliver it.
We are one of very few international companies that are Globally accredited to the international security company standard PSC 1.
As part of the UK based Pilgrims Group Limited, we have developed our own processes and support tools which have regularly been recognised as world class by the UK Security Industry and have resulted in regular awards at the UK Security Excellence Awards.
Risk Based Approach
Pilgrims takes a risk based approach to all its operations and especially asset protection.
We will always work with you to listen to what you want to achieve, suggest how this might be best achieved in the most cost effective way, and then provide the solution and manage the resource to meet your needs.
For major projects, we offer a full threat and security risk assessment, if appropriate using our proprietary and world leading risk management software – HawksightTM
Turn-Key Solutions
Our service goes well beyond the provision of guards.
We offer a turn-key solution to your asset protection needs from the initial site assessment through to on-going management; we can, if appropriate, provide technical solutions to support the security team that cover alarms (fire and security), surveillance (CCTV and Intruder Detection systems), barriers (perimeter and anti-vehicle systems), lighting, lock solutions, Canine services (through a trusted associate) as well as the emergency response to any incidents if and when they occur with armed and or medical response teams.
Our services cover both residential and commercial sites, including the design, implementation and operation of turn-key site security solutions.
What makes our Guards Different?
Pilgrims training programme starts on day one and does not stop.
Our Group wide and award winning manned guarding training programme, e-GuardingTM, has been adapted for use in Nigeria where literacy levels are not always as high as in the UK.
This system includes 10 stand-alone modules designed to improve individual guard competencies, and guards tested to ensure understanding.
This forms part of our training programme. Experience has shown that our training improves guard performance by at least 40% over their peers who have not undergone similar training.
Pilgrims training programme starts on day one and does not stop.
Our Group wide and award winning manned guarding training programme,e-GuardingTM, has been adapted for use in Nigeria where literacy levels are a challenge.
Our guard turn-over rate is well below the industry average, ensuring our trained guards are consistently available to protect your site. Our staff loyalty is earned. We believe in paying a living wage and paying it on time.
In addition, we like to reward our staff for their loyalty and performance not only with SPOT BONUSES for outstanding or exceptional performance. Our staff are part of the Pilgrims family; a team committed to protecting your assets.
Why is our Guarding package so good?
Our 360CustomerCareTM initiative delivers extra value to clients and the programme was a finalist in the 2014 Security Excellence Awards.
This service package is the core of our business and comes at no cost to our clients.
The scheme, which aims to benefit you the client sets out to your understanding of the cost effective, quality services provided by Pilgrims.
As part of 360CustomerCareTM , Pilgrims reviewed the service it provides and looks at areas where it could improve.
Pilgrims provides evidence and information about our service which can be circulated within your business and give you assurance we are delivering a quality service.